Over the weekend, rumors surfaced that Apple is gearing up for another phone release. No, the tech giant doesn’t have the iPhone 6SE or the iPhone 7 in its queue. Instead, Silicon Valley’s grandest tech company is preparing to release the iPhone 5SE, according to a report from 9to5 Mac, a tech website.
iphone 5se concept
Apple is reportedly going vintage with the iPhone 5SE. It will have a four-inch screen like the 2013 iPhone 5, but will have “upgraded internals, software, and hardware features that blend the old design with modern technologies.” 9to5 Mac is reporting that the phone will have curved edges that are similar to the iPhone 6.
Apple will unveil the new phone in late March or early April, according to The Verge. The company will likely discontinue the manufacturing of the iPhone 5S once the iPhone 5SE is released and it will retail for $450.
9to5 Mac also reported that Apple will discuss its latest iteration of the Apple Watch at the same time the new phone announced.
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